Failure sucks.

It’s embarrassing, frustrating and deflating and can lead to doubt, stress and a huge bar tab at the local pub.

Unfortunately, in trading, failure is a common occurrence.

Especially with trading strategies.

They can degrade painfully over time, and even fall apart completely… and sometimes VERY quickly.

But there are some steps traders can take to reduce the chance of total strategy failure.

In this podcast episode you’ll discover:

  • The #1 top technique that will increase your chances of creating successful strategies you can brag to your friends about,
  • How to surge past other traders by using an effective strategy building process,
  • Tomas’s sizzling hot tips to get ahead of the game by selecting only the best strategies to trade,
  • The do’s and don’ts of creating robust strategies that can crush bad ‘money-sucking’ strategies into oblivion,
  • Plus loads more.

“Traders need to think ‘What can we do differently, or where we can do something beyond what everybody else is doing.” - Tomas Nesnidal Click To Tweet“If you don't have a validation process, what do you really have?” - Tomas Nesnidal Click To Tweet


– If you’d like to learn more about the Breakout Strategies Masterclass, skip on over to here.

– If the idea of Bob’s ‘Building Robust Strategies Masterclass’ tickles your fancy, go here.

Do you have any trading questions you’d like answered? Submit them here, and we may cover them in a future episode!

DISCLAIMER: Trading involves significant risk of loss and is not suitable for everyone. People can and do lose money. Hypothetical results have many inherent limitations. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

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