Last week I published a post about the journey of my hedge fund, which is now heading (hopefully) towards a 100 million Euro investment.

And I was super pleased to receive lots of email feedback, not only on that post but also on my question about who intends to possibly launch their own hedge fund one day too.

It was a blast to read how many traders are not afraid to think and aim higher and constantly keep pushing their limits. Yes, that is exactly what any elite trader should do! :-)

And quite naturally, I also received some doubtful replies. Like:

Can it even be done? Can a small, new hedge fund even survive?

So, let me address these questions today with an honest answer.

The truth is… I DON’T KNOW.

Seriously. I have NO answer to this, at least not the kind of answer that some traders would like to hear.

And quite frankly…


Because if there’s one thing I’m committed to NEVER engaging in, it is LIMITING BELIEFS.

Yes, I’m a pragmatic person (otherwise I could never be a trader). But I’m also constantly choosing NOT to engage in beliefs that would mean any mental limitation.

I simply see NO practical point in doing that.

In fact, if I ever listened to all the doubts and limiting beliefs (which I believe are nothing more than social, cultural and artificial programming anyway) then I’d probably have a 9 to 5 job right now and live a life that I’m not sure I’d like (and definitely not love).

But that is NOT me.

Because, how can I ever know if something can or can not be done if I haven’t even tried? And how can I believe other people’s opinions more than my own experience? How much sense does that even make?

Listen… here’s what I really believe:

Pragmatism is a good thing if you want to stay with your feet on the ground.

But trust in yourself means WAY more than pragmatism (and especially cynicism). And it’s also THE thing that can push you way past all the limiting beliefs of the “cynics”.

Because at the end of the day, the only empirical proof for anything is your own experience. That’s all.

Thus, never allow limiting beliefs to stop you.

I’m not saying abandon healthy pragmatism. All I’m saying is TRUST in yourself and your skills.

That’s all I’ve ever done. And it took me from a poor family born in a communistic country with not enough food for everyone, to a trader who traveled to 65 countries while supporting myself from trading, and ultimately to a successful hedge fund manager (whose trading approach is now being used by hundreds of traders from more than 30 countries).

And you can do it too.

Stop doubting yourself. Stop all the redundant limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

Trust yourself. You are already more ready than you think.

Happy trading!



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DISCLAIMER: Trading involves significant risk of loss and is not suitable for everyone. People can and do lose money. Hypothetical results have many inherent limitations. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

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